Category: Gears and Racks

Bevel gear drive. Bevel gearing, also with cylindrical teeth

Bevel Gear Transmission. Bevel gear transmission, also has the characteristics of cylindrical gear transmission. Features: transmission power range, high efficiency, compact waiting point. As can be seen from the figure, the bevel gear transmission is different from the plane mechanism of cylindrical gear transmission, but the main question mechanism, is used to transfer the movement and power between the two intersections. Its wheel teeth are distributed on the truncated cone, and the tooth shape gradually becomes smaller from the big end to the small end. For the convenience of calculation and measurement, the parameters of the large end of the bevel gear are usually taken as...

What equipment is needed to process sprockets and gears

Sprocket and gear processing equipment needed 1.General ordinary small lathe, general accuracy, you can also choose a good bit of second-hand lathe, car external dimensions, such as the requirements of the bore lined to the size of the drawings, you need to buy holes with a stop gauge, so that the processing of the bore can ensure that the size of the mismatch 2.General ordinary small planer, the creation of a keyway 3.Hobbing machine, (gear insertion machine does not require) 4.Desktop small drilling machine to drill the tightening of the screw holes 5.Welding machine. Some pieces of larger and lap need to be welded after processing, saving material 6. homemade blackening furnace a...

Application range of chain wheel supporting products - rack and pinion transmission:

Rack and pinion transmission will be rotary motion into linear motion, it is the transfer of power, speed range, high efficiency, reliable, long life, compact structure, can ensure a constant transmission ratio. However, such a mechanism can be driven in reverse, that is, the rack and pinion to do linear motion to drive the gear rotation, suitable for large distance transmission, such as machine tool rails under the pallet box to drive the movement of the rack and pinion drive, the rack and pinion mechanism needs to be added to the locking device, because the rack and pinion mechanism...

Design elements of rack and pinion

Rack and pinion design elements 1, according to the rack and pinion load to determine the module 2, according to the rack and pinion structure of the limit of the initial determination of the number of teeth of the gear, so as to determine the size of the gear's diameter 3, refine the design of the rack and pinion mounting 4, consider the rack and pinion limit position at both ends of the limit should be added to the installation of limiting devices, is the electric should be added to the travel switch, is the manual should be installed to limit the mountain (also known as the rest of the block) 5, to consider the rack and pinion lubrication 6 Consider whether the tooth side clearance between the gear and rack needs to be false...


在各种传动形式中,齿轮传动在现代机械中应用最为广泛。这是因为齿轮传动有如下特点: 1)传动精度高。前面讲过,带传动不能保证准确的传动比,链传动也不能实现恒定的瞬时传动比,但现代常用的渐开线齿轮的传动比,在理论上是准确、恒定不变的。这不但对精密机械与仪器是关键要求,也是高速重载下减轻动载荷、实现平稳传动…

Gear and sprocket transmission efficiency varies greatly, ADAMS simulation, physical sample


When milling the helical rack, in order to ensure the helix angle β, the workpiece has which two kinds of mounting

铣削斜齿条时,为保证螺旋角β,工件有哪两种装夹方法?各用于什么场合?这两种装夹方法在铣削时移距尺寸有可不同? 第一种方法是将工件倾斜装夹。这种方法装夹后,工件基准侧面与工作台的移距方向成一夹角,夹角大小为工件螺旋角β。工作台每次移距应等于斜齿条的法向齿距pn。这种方法仅适用于铣削螺旋角较小的斜齿条。 第二…


(1)测量分度圆弦齿厚和分度圆弦齿高 其特点是测量分度圆弦齿厚时,要以齿顶圆作为测量基准,但齿轮实际工作时齿顶圆精度要求不高,故齿顶圆的设计和加工精度一般较低,影响弦齿厚的测量精度。 (2)测量固定弦齿厚和固定弦齿高 其特点是计算测量值时只与被测齿轮的模数和齿形角有关,而与其齿数无关,加之标准齿轮的模数…

Coaxial double-stage helical cylindrical gear reducer


Helical gear drive compared to spur gear drive

What are the characteristics of helical gearing compared to spur gearing? Why is there a difference between normal and end face for the module and pressure angle of helical gears? Why should the normal face parameter be taken as the standard value? Answer: (1) Compared with spur gear transmission, the main advantages of helical gear transmission are: ① Good engagement performance. In helical gear transmission, the contact line of its gear teeth is a straight line inclined to the gear axis, the gear teeth start to mesh and disengage from the mesh are gradual, thus the transmission is smooth, low noise, while this mesh...

Forms of gear failure

Gear failure form: 1, tooth wear: for open gear transmission or closed gear transmission containing unclean lubricant, due to the relative sliding between the meshing teeth, so that some of the harder abrasive particles into the friction surface, so that the tooth profile change, the side gap increases, so that the gear over-thinning lead to tooth breakage. In general, only in the lubricating oil inclusions when the abrasive particles, only in the operation of the tooth surface caused by abrasive wear. 2, tooth surface gluing: for high-speed heavy load gear transmission...

Analysis of gear ratio distribution

传动比的分配是齿轮传动链设计中的重要问题之一。传动比分配的是否合理,将影响整个传动链的结构布局及其工作性能,因此,在设计中必须根据使用要求,合理地进行传动比的分配。 齿轮传动链的总传动比,往往是根据具体要求事先给定的。总传动比给出之后,据此确定传动级数并分配各级传动比。 一般说来,齿轮传动链的传动级…

Gear transmission air return and elimination method

1.空回和产生空回的因素 所谓空回,就是当主动轮反向转动时从动轮滞后的一种现象。滞后的转角即为空回误差角。产生空回的主要原因是由于一对齿轮有侧隙存在。从理论上来说,一对啮合齿轮可以是无侧隙的。但在某些情况下,侧隙对传动的正常工作是必要的。由于侧隙的存在,可以避免由于零件的加工误差而使轮齿卡住;此外,…

Analysis of hypoid gear characteristics

首先, 准双曲面齿轮的轴交角90°, 可以实现扭矩方向成90°的变化, 这也是汽车,飞机, 或者风电行业中常常需要的角度转换。同时一对尺寸大小不同, 齿数不同的齿轮啮合,来试验扭矩增大,速度降低的功能, 也就是通常所说的”增矩降速”。如果开过车的朋友, 尤其是学车时候开手动车的时候, 在爬坡的时候,教练师傅会让你挂到低档位, …


A,机加工零度弧齿锥齿轮替代机加工直齿锥齿轮 B,机加工锥齿轮适用齿制为格里森弧齿,奥利康摆线齿等螺旋齿制。 C,模具加工使用的齿制为球面渐开线直齿锥齿轮,球面渐开线等距螺旋锥齿轮。 D,CNC这样成形加工方式适合各种齿制,但是齿廓一般使用球面渐开线。