



  2、减速机应牢固地安装在稳定水平的基础或底座上,排油槽的油应能排除,且冷却空气循环流 畅。基础不可靠,运转时会引起振动及噪声,并促使轴承及齿轮受损。当传动联接件有突出 物或采用齿轮、链轮传动时,应考虑加装防护装置,输出轴上承受较大的径向载荷时,应选用加强型。

  3、在输出轴上安装传动件时,不允许 用锤子敲击,通常利用装配夹具和轴端的内螺纹,用螺栓将传动件压入,否则有可能造成减速机内部零件的损坏。最好不采用钢性固定式联轴器,因该类联轴器安装不当,会 引起不必要的外加载荷,以致造成轴承的早期损坏,严重时甚至造成输出轴的断裂。

  4、按规定的安装装置保证工作人员能方便地靠近油标,通气塞、排油塞。安装就位后,应按次 序全面检查安装位置的准确性,各紧固件压紧的可靠性, 安装后应能灵活转动。减速机采用油池飞溅润滑,在运行前用户需将通气孔的螺塞取下, 换上通气塞。按不同的安装位置,并打开油位塞螺钉检查油位线的高度,从油位塞处加油至润滑油从油位塞螺孔溢出为止,拧上 油位塞确定无误后,方可进行空载试运转, 时间不得少于2小时。运转应平稳,无冲击、振动、杂音及渗漏油现象,发现异常应及时排除。

  After a certain period of time the oil level should be rechecked to prevent possible leakage caused by the casing. If the ambient temperature is too high or too low, the lubricant grade can be changed.


  Newly put into operation reducer, factory has been injected GB/T5903 in the L-CKC100 ~ L-CKC220 medium extreme pressure industrial gear oil, in the operation of 200 ~ 300 hours, the first oil change should be carried out, in the subsequent use of the oil should be regularly checked the quality of the oil, for the mixing of impurities or deterioration of the oil must be replaced in a timely manner.

  In general, for a long time for continuous work reducer, according to the operation of 5000 hours or once a year to replace the new oil, long-term out of service reducer, before re-opening should also be replaced with new oil reducer should be added to the original grade of the same oil, shall not be mixed with different grades of oil, grades of the same viscosity of the oil is allowed to mix the use of different.

  When changing the oil, wait until the gearbox has cooled down and there is no danger of combustion, but it should still be kept warm because after complete cooling, the viscosity of the oil increases and draining is difficult. Note: To cut off the power supply to the transmission device to prevent unintentional energization!

  In the work, when the oil temperature is found to rise more than 80 ℃ or the oil pool temperature exceeds 100 ℃ and produce abnormal noise and other phenomena should be stopped, check the cause, must be troubleshooting, replacement of lubricating oil before continuing to operate.
